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Caring for the Community

Since 2013, we have been working with FeedingHK to donate our day-end bread to local charities and other needies. In this way, we commit to our mission of selling fresh bread, while we also fully utilize our bread's value and earth's resources.


We are proud of what we are doing.


After Nepal Earthquake, we proactively started fund-raising at our retail shops by contributing part of sales income of $2 dinner roll and $2 handmade butter cookie to United Nations World Food Programme. The fund-raising will run for a month.








尼泊爾地震後,我們自發地進行籌款,每賣出一個$2 牛奶包及$2曲奇,其中部分收益扣除成本後會捐贈到聯合國世界糧食計劃署作賑災用。


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